Hostel clerk Amy stretched out after her shift

Hello travel buddies Woohoo What a fucking day By now, you guys already know my go-to pickup move. These acro yoga lessons turned out to be one of my best investments. Meet Amy, this girl worked in one of the hostels I was staying at in Colombia. She was the first thing I noticed when I was looking for hostels when I arrived in Medellin. She wanted to show me the rooms with a view but there was no need for that anymore. That HUGE rack of hers was all I needed to wake up to in the mornings. Anyway, acro yoga. I promised her a lesson when she saw me flexing my muscles in the recreational room. The transition from doing it clothed, to nude, to her throating my cock went very smooth. What else went pretty smooth was that ass-stretching of hers. She_s a firm girl, yes so no surprise she took it like a champ. Good thing we had a warmup to get our blood pumping and the juices flowing. What a cumshot. Straight from her ass to her mouth. That_s when you know this probably hasn_t been her first yoga class. Haha Enjoy my guys, and stay tuned
File Name : 62cd53f9f30a8-.mp4
File Size : 1684.26 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:47:49

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