Nancy Navarro_s breast growth spurt

Nancy Navarro had an awesome body when she first posed at SCORELAND. She returned with bigger tits after a late growth spurt. She wasn_t sure what kicked it off. The Bronx bra-bomber called and asked if we wanted to see her new look. This is like asking a dog if he wants a treat. Her tits looked three cup-sizes bigger when she showed up. Born in Venezuela on a small island called Margarita, Nancy moved to New York City when she was 19. Her sisters don_t have big boobs. She is the only one so blessed. Sometimes I yell at my mom, _You gave me this,_ Nancy told us. Living in congested New York City, Nancy is a magnet for boob hounds. Every street corner has them. I try not to sit down on the train because if I_m sitting down, you get to see the cleavage. That_s the best view, I imagine. So I_ll be sitting down and I can feel them watching and I_m like, _Well, enjoy, I guess._ I try to find a corner where there_s nobody, but that_s not always easy. And people bump into me. Nancy talked bras and nipple hardness. I don_t like to wear a bra because they_re too tight. I can_t breathe. For the bras to hold properly, they have to be small around the chest, but that_s just too tight for me. My nipples are always hard. Cold, hot, not hot, not cold, doesn_t matter what I_m doing. It doesn_t even matter if I_m turned on or not turned on.
Nancy Navarro
File Name : NancyNavarro_29780_1920x1080_8000_MFS.mp4
File Size : 999.07 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:17:14

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